Vein Services

Understanding Visual Sclerotherapy with Tennessee Vein Center


Most people will experience spider or varicose veins at some point. While they are most prevalent in women with a family history of the condition, they can affect anyone at any age, men included.

Although most patients do not have any severe underlying condition that causes spider or varicose veins, they can be unsightly, especially if their spider-like appearance becomes widespread.

Visual sclerotherapy is one of the most effective, minimally invasive treatments for spider and varicose veins caused by venous insufficiency. This outpatient procedure provides minimal downtime, improved vascular function, and long-term results.

Let’s explore visual sclerotherapy in more detail, including the procedure, how it’s performed, and the results you can expect after treatment.

Sclerotherapy Knoxville


Visual sclerotherapy is a versatile, minimally invasive method of treating spider veins.

As the name implies, visual sclerotherapy is performed on veins we can see with our naked eyes. This technique is most often used on spider veins since these veins are close to the surface of our skin and easily seen.

During treatment, a sclerosant medication is injected into the damaged vein through a small needle. These tiny injections are made throughout the vein until the entire length of the unwanted vein is treated.

The sclerosant causes the treated vein to close and the body to reabsorb the nonfunctioning vein. As a result, the blood is rerouted to normal-functioning veins.

Comfort is our top priority during your treatment. Tennessee Vein Center uses two FDA-approved sclerosants that reduce discomfort. These sclerosants are safe and effective and do not cause the burning and cramping associated with saline injections.

What Veins Can Be Treated with Visual Sclerotherapy?

Visual sclerotherapy is a versatile treatment option for unwanted veins and can treat a variety of vein types, including:

  • Green or blue reticular veins
  • Pink or red telangiectasias (spider veins)
  • Purple telangiectasias (spider veins)
  • Leg veins
  • Arm and hand veins
  • Chest, breast and back veins

Visual Sclerotherapy Treatment

Before each visual sclerotherapy procedure, photographs will be taken to document the condition of the veins before and after sclerotherapy treatment.

Each treatment session typically lasts around 30 minutes, making it a convenient option for a "lunchtime treatment."

At the start of the treatment, you will be asked to lie down with your legs slightly elevated. Then, the designated area will be thoroughly cleansed and sterilized, and a topical anesthetic might be applied for comfort.

One of our providers will delicately administer the sclerosant solution into the targeted veins using a fine needle. This solution will cause the vein walls to adhere together, ultimately leading to the closure of the vein over time.

While certain small veins may only require a single injection, more prominent and longer veins may necessitate multiple sclerotherapy injections.

During your consultation, we can estimate the number of injections required based on the size and location of your affected veins.

How Should I Prepare for Visual Sclerotherapy?

We recommend refraining from tanning or applying self-tanning lotions to the treatment area.

On the day of your procedure, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Take a shower and use antibacterial soap to cleanse your legs.
  • Avoid shaving your legs or applying lotion.
  • Wear or bring a pair of loose-fitting shorts or pants.
  • Remember to bring your compression hose.
  • Stay hydrated.

While eating on the day of your sclerotherapy procedure is acceptable, it is advisable to avoid consuming a heavy meal immediately before treatment. However, if it has been several hours since your last meal, consider having a light snack.

What to Expect After Visual Sclerotherapy

Visual sclerotherapy recovery is different for everyone. However, there are certain things you can do to improve your recovery time, including:

  • Staying Active by walking regularly. Light movement, like a 30-minute walk, can improve healing, increase circulation, and prevent blood clots from forming.
  • Understanding the side effects, including bruising, minor soreness, and tenderness. Minor post-treatment soreness is expected. Relieve pain with Arnicare® Gel or Cream and over-the-counter pain reliever. If symptoms become worse, consult your vascular specialist immediately.

When Will I See the Results from Visual Sclerotherapy?

After your treatment, small spider veins typically vanish within three to six weeks.Once treated, the veins closed with visual sclerotherapy will be permanently gone.

However, new spider or varicose veins can develop in the same area, which may make subsequent treatments over the years necessary.

It is important to note that the healing process takes time, and it is typical for veins to sometimes appear worse before they show signs of improvement.

Most people will need more than one round of visual sclerotherapy, we will discuss that during your initial consultation and follow-up care.

Experience Sclerotherapy Excellence in Eastern Tennessee

Spider and varicose veins may not pose extensive physical risks, but their impact on self-esteem and confidence can be significant.

If you're facing the challenge of spider or varicose veins or have unrelenting symptoms of venous insufficiency, look no further than ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy.

This cutting-edge treatment effectively reduces spider and varicose vein visibility and addresses associated symptoms with remarkable lasting results.

Our team of skilled vascular specialists is committed to helping you regain vein health while minimizing the appearance of your insufficient veins. Don't delay your journey to better vein health. Instead, take the crucial first step and schedule a consultation with us today.

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